Wednesday, May 16, 2007

A Family Outing!

Poofy Dog, Barbie Dog, and kids!
I've spoken before about my lovely wife, Barbie. I've mentioned that we have five children, too. Until a very short time ago, I hadn't met these children though. About two weeks ago, I finally had the opportunity to see four of my five children and to see Barbie again. Her humans aren't so keen on us spending time together, since they ended up cleaning up after our numerous progeny for a while.

Anyway, we all met in the park, and we had a great time, barking and sniffing and all that good stuff.

The two up in the air are L: Hercules (male) and R: Lollipop (female). They were adopted by the same family and are growing up together. Standing on their hind paws, supported by humans are L: Chiquita (female) and R: Banda (male). Down in front, standing on all fours are L: me and R: my sweet beloved Barbie.

Unfortunately, Shoko, the fifth child was unable to make it.

And Banda, I'm sorry I tried to fight with you. Sometimes being a dog makes it hard to curb your instincts. Now that Leah explained that fathers aren't supposed to fight with their sons, I feel somewhat embarrassed about the whole situation...

- Poofy


therapydoc said...

I've always worried about dogs and all that separation at such a young age.

Rachel Inbar said...

Glad you don't have to worry about child support...